Edward Ongweso Jr: Hate on the Internet

Talk summary and resources created by Alex Turvy.

Talk Summary:

The Tech Bubble journalist and co-host of This Machine Kills Edward Ongweso Jr discusses how hate is the only way to enjoy the internet.

Key Insights and Questions:

  • It feels low-stakes to stand back as an observer and watch a “talented hater” – that is, someone who’s able to string words together in such a way that pinpoints something very specific. In some ways, the more specific the insult is (see Azealia Banks re: Kanye), the more effective it is.

  • Why is it that some insults and hate enter the collective vocabulary of the internet? Apartheid Clyde is a great example, but so are some of Donald Trump’s classic tweets.

  • How are haters different from trolls?

  • Is it appropriate to consider this sort of behavior as harassment? It seems that there is a significant difference, but how could we make this case?

Talk Notes & Related Resources:


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