Jordan Uhl: Video Games as a Military Recruitment Strategy

Talk summary and resources created by Alex Turvy.

Talk Summary:

The US military recruits young people through methods that many people are unaware of – particularly video games, live streaming, and esports teams. 

  • The military uses tactics like sharing private information of students with recruiters to recruit more individuals, which has led to an overrepresentation of poor people in the military. 

  • Additionally, they try to get around international laws that prohibit them from contacting individuals younger than 16 years of age through these methods, but they have been met with a lot of cynicism from Gen Z, who have grown up watching the war in the Middle East and are more aware of the issues with the US military.

  • The military has e-sports teams, which don’t tend to perform very well. They also attend major gaming conventions and bring lots of expensive equipment. The rationale for this is simple – lots of young men share these interests and they need young men to join.

  • They have research to suggest that teenager start seriously considering their future career at age 13, so the military acts with this in mind – discussing things like funding for college and healthcare. There are even giveaways for gaming supplies that secretly (in the fine print) give consent to share a minor’s information with the military for recruiting purposes.

Key Insights and Questions:

  • There is a long history of worrying (justifiable or not) about violence in video games, but this represents a new avenue for those concerns. Maybe kids aren’t picking up violent tendencies from games, but they are connecting quite young with the armed forces in a way that their parents are likely unaware of.

  • War Thunder, a free-to-play game, is intended to be so realistic that there have been multiple incidents of people leaking military secrets.

  • How does this phenomenon intersect or overlap with the new style of drone warfare which by many accounts resembles the UI / UX of a video game?

  • Once in the military, is extensive video game experience associated with a particular on-the-ground experience for a given soldier?

Talk Notes & Related Resources:


Moises Mendez II: The Worst People Online


Edward Ongweso Jr: Hate on the Internet